Tutorials can provide a lot of help, step by step presentation of a thing that made it easy to learn and understand. Pertama-tama tentunya kita membutuhkan gambar yang akan kita buat WPAP nya. Dengan perangkat lunak seperti Corel Draw dan Adobe Illustrator, pembuatan WPAP bisa jadi jauh lebih mudah dan efisien seperti tutorial pembuatan WPAP menggunakan Adobe Illustrator berikut ini.
#Wpap tutorial illustrator how to
Tutorials are the best way to learn trendy styles and effects. How to Create a Geometric, WPAP Vector Portrait in Adobe Illustrator Tuts+ (This one has a great screen shot on how to choose a good image for this. Teknologi zaman sekarang sangat membantu proses pembuatan WPAP. Subscribe to be notified of future up and coming tutorials. Tutorial can help to create pixel-perfect, realistic vector graphics and vector drawing in Illustrator. In this video, we are going to take a look at how I set about creating my piece and then Ill show you how you can use the tools of Adobe Illustrator to create your own. WPAP is an art genre developed by Wedha Abdul Rashid, a contemporary Indonesian artist. An Introduction to the WPAP Process WPAPs main goal is to represent the faces that are already familiar to us, with a new and different style, but it still must be easily recognizable. Dasar-Dasar Adobe Illustrator: bit.ly/2JObvqR Tutorial Belajar Dasar-Dasar CorelDRAW: bit.ly/2JOTNDF Tutorial Adobe Photoshop: bit.ly/2PdY1dQ Tutorial Adobe Illustrator: bit.ly/2zGoJBw Tutorial CorelDRAW: bit.ly/2zBG4LE Tips & Trik: bit.ly/2CuulRV Tutorial WonderShare Filmora: bit.ly/2SUf0Qy Tutorial PowerPoint: bit.

Gambar-gambar dalam artikel mengenai WPAP ini aku lansir dari halaman Facebook mas Andhika Dwi Irfani, kelahiran Malang, 20 Februari 1999. WPAP is an art genre developed by Wedha Abdul Rashid, a contemporary Indonesian artist. Cara Membuat WPAP dengan Illustrator - Sebelum membaca tutorial ini, aku sampaikan dengan tegas jika gambar yang ada dalam artikel ini 100 bukan aku yang buat. WPAP is an abbreviation and stands for ‘Wedha’s Pop Art Portrait’. WPAP is an abbreviation and stands for ‘Wedha’s Pop Art Portrait’. The following is a tutorial on how to create a WPAP (Wedhas Pop Art Portrait) portrait in Adobe Illustrator, by the WPAP master himself 1. In this tutorial, I am going to be showing you how you can create WPAP style artwork in Adobe Illustrator. In this tutorial I am going to be showing you how you can create WPAP style artwork in Adobe Illustrator. Create WPAP Style Art In Adobe Illustrator – Ziggy Stardust